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Love can change you
Genre: romance, action
Rating: K-15

Main characters:
*Alexandra Maria Black (OC)
*Julian Sark
*Sydney Bristow
*Michael Vaughn
*Jack Bristow

Other characters:
*Arvin Sloane
*Kelly (ehkä)
*Dean (ehkä)
*Samantha Berry (OC)
*James Berry (OC)

*Alexandra/Julian (tärkein ja pääroolissa)

Symmary: Alexandra Black is 25 years old. Her parents were murdered, when she was 6 years old. After that happened, she has always wanted to be an agent for the CIA, because she wants to find the person, who's responsible of her parents, Diane and Phil Black) murders. Alexandra were in the same school than Sydney Bristow, Alexandra and Sydney has been ever since good friends, and Jack Bristow has practically raised her, even though Alexandra had (and lived) fosterparents (she didn't like them, and as an teenager she run away a lot). After Francine Calfo was murderd, Alexandra and Sydney became best friends. Alexandra has worked as an secret agent for the CIA from her 18th birthday. When the APO started, Alexandra was "invited" to it with the others. She's an field agent and during assignments, Alexandra meets Julian Sark. Alexandra knows everything (that Jack and the others knows) about him, and she's been told that she might run up to him during the assignments. She falls in love with Julian, like he falls in love with her, too. So, do you believe, that love can change us?

Author's Notes (in Finnnish): Mun oli ihan pakko kirjoittaa ekaa kertaa englanniksi Tosi iloinen Ensimmäinen syy on se, että oon tätä jo pitkään käynyt päässäni läpi englanniksi, ja toinen syy on se, että rakastan englantia, kielenä Tosi iloinen
Mä uskon, että tästä tulee ihan ok ficci. Ja periaatteessa tää on jo täysin valmis, mun pitää vain saada päästäni se "paperille" eli toisin sanoen tänne nettiin. En ole varma kuinka monta lukua tässä tulee olemaan, mutta lyhyempien prologin ja epilogin lisäksi voin luvata todella pitkiä lukuja, ainakin 4 kappaletta...
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